Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chemo Round #2.....God Loves ME!

So last Thursday the 27th was Shawn's second round of chemo. They say that the more rounds of chemo you get the more it accumulates in the body and you have more of a tendency the feel the side effects. Shawn has felt worse this round. He looks run down to me, but he would be the first to tell you that he's OK. We pray for our doctors and nurses before we go in for treatment every time. So that Thursday we get there and he gets his blood count checked. It is lower than the doctor would like but not enough to postpone treatment. He had to go in the day after for a white blood cell booster shot. This is suppose to helps his blood cells build back up quicker so there will be no delay in treatment. So we get to our room and get ready to start his IV. The nurse came in and she looked sort of familiar to me. Then her voice was even more familiar to me. I told Shawn she looked familiar. Then it dawned on me, church! We were in a discover group with her at church once. I had to kind of laugh, because we prayed for her this morning and God knew who we needed. It was wonderful to know her story some and share more of ours with her. Shawn's IV pump kept messing up so we (the nurse too) said a little prayer for it! Ha ha! God is Good! Then the day finished up with no more hiccups.
He has been very tired this weekend, and really has no appetite. I just pray God gives him the strength he needs every day. God has reminded me often this week that he is taking care of us EVERYDAY! He doesn't forget about ME! He takes care of the birds of the air how much more does he love me! Think about it! He loves ME! Little ole me. I was feeling overwhelmed this past week and just prayed to God. I felt like I couldn't really explain how I was feeling. I felt like maybe I was alone at times. Anxiety was starting to set in and then I prayed. It wasn't even an hour later God reminded me he LOVED ME and HEARD ME! He sent at little angel my way and showed me he was there with ME right in the middle of the day. How awesome is it that God will meet you right where you are. I encourage you to ask God to meet you right where you are, you may just be amazed at what he does for you!

Friday, January 28, 2011

A few have asked about donations.....(Edited)

First of all let me just say we have some wonderful friends! We thank you for your support through all of this. I have had a couple people ask us about taking donations. Let me tell you I am not a person who ever expects money. I was raised to be very independent and I like to be self sufficient, but through all of this God has humbled us. I am very humbled that anyone would want to help us. Honestly this is hard for me, and my husband, excepting anything from people, we are givers naturally. So thank you to all of our friends, you are the best. Anything donated will go toward medical bills. If there is any money left in the account after all of this is said and done with it will be donated to a charity for lymphoma or cancer. Again we have been truly humbled though all of this. One way to contribute is on this blog. To the top right side of this blog you will see a donate button. You can donate there.

This is only there because some friends have asked for a place to donate. Please in no way feel like you have to donate. Thank you!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A time for everything...what season of life are you in?

<< Ecclesiastes 3 >>
New International Version


A Time for Everything

1There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven:

2a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3a time to kill and a time to heal,

a time to tear down and a time to build,

4a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6a time to search and a time to give up,

a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7a time to tear and a time to mend,

a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8a time to love and a time to hate,

a time for war and a time for peace.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So we made up our minds....

In my last post we were having to make the decision of more chemo or radiation. We went to the doctor this past Monday and discussed our concerns with him. We knew right away after talking to him the that radiation is the treatment best for Shawn. We feel good about this decision. Sometimes we ask ourselves "is this for real?". We never thought WE would be the ones making these decisions. Life has a funny way of reminding you we are all mortal. Only God knows our future. We are not in control. I will be posting how we found out about Shawn's lymphoma soon. Some have asked and I think it is one of things you always wonder "how did you know?". Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We really do have some pretty amazing friends!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I can't fix this.....

Shawn is starting to feel kind of crappy now. Chemo is crazy! From one minute to the next you will feel okay and then gagging the next. He is starting to get more fatigued too, but he is still going to work. I find myself worrying about him often during the day, I like to be able to fix things and with this I can't. I have to remind myself I can't fix this but God can. I just have to be there for him through the journey. Sometimes a good cry helps too. ;)

I added more things to my esty shop. These are great little Gadget cases for ipods, cell phone and even smaller point and shot cameras. I am selling these for $10.00. Take a look and if there is anything you need in different colors or sizes just ask. you can find my shop here:

Monday, January 10, 2011

What should we do??????

Today was Shawn's appointment with the Radiation doctor. We went in thinking we definitely wanted to do this, and left thinking maybe not? This is one of the many decisions you have to make in any cancer treatment. We have brain overload. If we were a computer, our hard drives would of burn out by now. I don't think there is any where to store any more information. LOL! We have to decide whether to do 6 rounds of Chemo total or 3 rounds of Chemo with 3 to 4 weeks of Radiation 5 days a week. The side effects on both aren't great but we have to decide what will be better in the long term. So keep praying for us to have discernment with this decision.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chemo Treatment #1, 3 to go....

Thursday was Shawn's first chemo treatment. It went really well. At times I was even laughing my hiney off. Reality check though, when we walked through the door to the treatment waiting area there was no where to sit and people were still coming. There were so many people there waiting for treatment. Cancer is no respecter of people, race, gender, age, and more. It is really hard to complain about anything in life any more unless it is life threatening. Our hearts have changed through this process to being more thankful hearts. Just remember if you are having a hard day, think of all the people in a waiting room some where waiting to get a diagnosis, or treatment. It can change your life. Ok now the funny stuff. Shawn was given premeds and that is where the fun started. Ativan was given first and then a big dose of Benadryl. Can you say he was high as a kite! LOL! The humor relieved a lot of nerves. He doesn't remember a thing about those first few hours. They then gave him 4 drugs. He had no reactions to those. So treatment went well. Yesterday was a good day for him, but today he is a bit nauseous and tired. I pray this is as bad as it gets for him. This has been mentally draining on us as well. So if I do not respond right away to any of you I know you understand.

Esty store: CraftsxCancerxShawn This link will take you straight to it!

Last night I finished this sweet littledress for Mia, and I have enough material for one more. I want to make these and sell these in my Etsy store. I also hope to get started on some more projects soon. If you ever want anything not listed in my store just ask, different sizes, and more.

Also Thank You to my friends in the sewing community, you all are great!